HSABC Webinar: Essentials for Effective and Compelling Grant Writing

September 5, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 AM

In the Essentials for Effective and Compelling Grant Writing webinar, we’ll explore how to understand what funders are looking for in an application, how to use data to tell a compelling story, and how to effectively craft the meaningful story of your organization’s impact. We'll also explore how to build a foundation for your organization’s grant-seeking and increase your chances for success.

You can expect to leave this webinar with:
A better understanding of grant writing terms, approaches, and
A better understanding of what will strengthen and support funding grants
A better understanding of the importance of, and how to use data in grant applications
Practical tips, links, and resources to further your understanding and foster skill-building

Instructor/s: Barbra McMillan
Barbara McMillan’s extensive experience as a grantor, grantee, and instructor in grant-writing provides a valuable backdrop to help individuals and organizations build their capacity in grant-seeking and proposal writing. Besides having assessed over 1000 grant applications, she has written many successful proposals and has taught grant-seeking for over 30 years, including the Grant and Proposal Writing Course in BCIT’s Fundraising Management Certificate Program.

Barbara holds a BA in Communications from Simon Fraser University and a Master of Management Degree (National Voluntary Sector Leaders) from McGill University. She has worked and volunteered with a wide range of community and civil sector organizations locally and globally, including Vancouver Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, Health Canada’s Health Promotion Directorate, United Way BC, the West Vancouver Foundation, and Men’s Sheds Canada. Barb appreciates the opportunity to learn about the assets and needs of the many small and large non-profit organizations she encounters in her grant-seeking training sessions, and is continually inspired by their work in communities and regions across Canada.